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Welcome to Aslak web site. Please take an opportunity to read these important terms and conditions governing your use of this site and its contents. By accessing and using our web site, you are agreeing to comply with the terms set forth herein. These terms are subject to change at any time without notice.
References below the terms "We/our/us’ The company" are referred to Aslak( Company name / business unit name). To the extent permitted by Saudi law, we disclaim any and all representations, warranties and undertakings in connection with the site including all implied warranties and conditions, including as to merchantability, fitness and title except as expressly otherwise provided in these terms and conditions.
Contents including Artwork, Photographs and Images
Whilst we hope you find the contents of this web site interesting and informative, you must appreciate that the contents are for general information only. Whilst we believe the contents to be true and the images and photographs placed in the websties are taken from our in house library or from opensource images at the best of our knowledge at the date of deployment according to our fair policy on copyrighted materials as the case may be, we can give no assurances regarding the accuracy, or applicability of any of the contents including photographs and pictures in relation to specific situations or particular circumstances or owned by any third party without our knowledge.
The Company does not assume responsibility for erroneous information, nor occurrences that result from such information. The opinions expressed within this web site and subsequent linked documents, are those of the respective authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Company.
In case of any contents including images, photographs, pictures and artwork used in this website are owned by / copyrighted to any third party that will be removed within 14 working days from the date of the information and disclaim any legal battle or liabilities in this regard. Any disputes can be sorted out by mutual discussion without any cost implications or financial liabilities .
As such, the contents should not be relied upon and legal or other professional advice should be taken in specific cases. In addition, none of the content of this website will form part of any contract between us and you or constitutes an offer by us. We accept no liability of any description in respect of the contents of such materials or sites and is subject to Saudi Arabian Law and any disputes or legal issues shall be sorted out in the Saudi Arabian Legal Systems in Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
In no event shall Aslak, its owners or employees be liable for any special, indirect, consequential or economic loss whatsoever regardless of whether such losses are foreseeable and whether or not caused by Maadaniyah negligence arising out of or in connection with the use of the site or the contents of the website including images and picture either .
All materials created specifically for this site are considered the sole property of the Company. This includes all logos, photos, graphics and text. You are permitted to view the contents of the site on screen. You are also permitted to print one copy of reasonable extracts from the site for your personal use and to save one copy of such reasonable extracts to your local hard disk for your personal use. All other copying and distribution of any of the contents of the site is strictly forbidden.
The contents of this web site (including the text and artwork) are protected by copyright. You may view the site and download any part(s) of it to a personal computer for personal viewing for private purposes but you are not permitted without our permission to store it (or any part of it) other than for the purposes set out in this paragraph, print out copies except for your own personal viewing for private purposes or reproduce, copy or transmit it (or any part of it) in any other way for any purpose or in any other medium. You are not entitled to alter the content in any way.
This web site may contain links to third-party web sites, such links are provided purely as a convenience to our readers. We accept no liability of any description in respect of the contents of such materials or sites.
This site accepts no responsibility for and exclude all liability in connection with browsing this site, downloading any material from it and all of the matters listed above, including but not limited to any liability for errors, inaccuracies, used copyrighted information by mistake, omissions or misleading or defamatory statements.